Monday, June 24, 2013

She love her fiance but hate his family; a female LIB reader

This story was published on Linda Ikeji's blog, but what caught the attention of Bloggers Magazine is the reaction of LIB readers. Before we link you to LIB so as to read through the comments. You never can tell, someone may be saying your mind. Below is the story and few of the comments.

I am engaged to a really nice man but I'm thinking of calling off the engagement because I hate his family. He's from one of the prominent rich families in Lagos and they are of the worst breed. They are controlling, they don't mind their business, they tell their children what to do, they make their decisions for them and their matriarch is the opinion of the family. Nobody dares question her decisions or argues with her. My fiance's sister told me I have to quit my job after I marry into their family. My future mother-in-law has summoned my father to her home on several occasions, asking him the most belittling questions. She even had their family doctor examine me, and the doctor asked me how many men I've been with in the past and if I've ever had an abortion. Duh! They question every thing you do, even the clothes you wear. I'm not yet married into this family and I'm already having panic attacks. I really love this guy but I don't think I can deal with his family. They plan to completely clip my wings once I marry their son and I don't think that's the life I want. Should I walk away or is there a way to handle such a family if I go ahead with the wedding? Please help me.


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Anonymous said...
Girl, I suggest you back out completely. Theres no point living a life of pain and sorrow after saying 'I DO'
Anonymous said...
Pls run as fast as u can. Ur own is even better that he is from a rich home n you have not taken in. Mine is not even from a rich home yet I luvd him because I believe since we knew each other from way back, life will be easier. As I speak, I have a baby for him but ive walk out. It will never work. Besides its better that his family is good and he is d one bad. My sister use my example learn lesson. It never gets better
Lol are you getting married to him or his family? Trust me, you won't regret it. Just don't call any wedding off since he's rich and might bolster your happiness through his money.

That's why it's good to marry your equals, rich people for rich people, poor people for poor people. I'm glad my gf's parents are stinking rich as well as I am. No need to argue about anything if you both can afford it!
Anonymous said...
What happened to the common and femi kuti post Linda???
Maureen Hanmation said...
Kai sweetheart, big man big wahala o! No matter how much you love him or he loves you, with that kind of money he will alwyas try to pander t his mother's expectations to avoid being cut out. It is a losing battle. You will NEVER be one of them. Quit while you are ahead. Your children will be put thru paternity tests! I see that coming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm!No be small thing o!